Centre Chiropractic

de la Colonne Vertébrale


In Paris, we are the only Chiropractic center offering traditional chiropractic care and postural rehabilitation of the spine through Chiropractic BioPhysics®.


If you or a loved one has back problems, neck, middle and lower back pain, herniated disc, scoliosis, migraine or headache, we can help.

Whether your problems are due to a car accident, poor postural habits, bad working postures or sports trauma or not, our team is at your disposal to find you solutions to help you heal.

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How Are We Different?

Through a comprehensive chiropractic and neurological examination, digital x-rays, and postural assessment software, POSTURERAY, we will be able to pinpoint the root cause of pain and discomfort in order to ensure an effective and lasting treatment.

we will work toward ensures that you and your loved ones will receiving the best quality of care, while leaving no stone unturned.

Call us today for a consultation to see if we can help you!


Corrective chiropractic care

we specialize in Corrective Chiropractic Care

This type of care is similar to getting braces for your misaligned teeth. We use special exercises, traction, and adjustments to realign the spine. In doing so, we eliminate the source of pain, numbness, and weakness. 


Physical therapy and mouvement

Mouvement and specific exercices helps people strengthen their muscles, those who have been injured, or who have a physical disability – so they can move their bodies better.

Mouvement is an important part in spine rehabilitation and has helped thousands of people from young children to older adults regain their mobility and quality of life.


Le Centre Chiropractic de la Colonne Vertébrale is the Premiere Chiropractic BioPhysics® Clinic in FRANCE.

Chiropractic BioPhysics is a highly-advanced, scientific

(254 publications in various journals) and proven chiropractic technique which corrects and restores your spine back to alignment, and alleviates pain and discomfort from its source.


Chiropractic BioPhysics combines biology, physiology, physics, geometry, and anatomy to identify the causes of your pain, discomfort, loss of mobility, and altered health. That means your diagnosis – and treatment – will be based on sound scientific and chiropractic principles.


“Best Chiropractic Care For You and Your Loved Ones in PARIS.”


Not all chiropractors are alike. While most concentrate on eliminating pain, we go one step further by correcting its root cause.

We are the only  chiropractic center in France that is certified in Chiropractic BioPhysics®.

CBP is the most researched, published, and scientific chiropractic technique that aims to eliminate the source of nerve pressure, by realigning the spine back to its “normal” shape.

So whether you’ve been involved in an auto accident, have suffered work-place or sports injuries, or have let time, gravity, and poor postural habits misalign your spine, we can help you beyond what other chiropractors can.

About Dr. Thierry LEGAGNOUX,DC

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Doctor of Chiropractic

Dr Thierry LEGAGNOUX, DC, has been working at the Centre Chiropractic de la Colonne Vertebrale (CCCV) for 27 years.

As an advanced Chiropractic BioPhysics certified Doctor, Dr. LEGAGNOUX, DC and his team thoroughly understand the structure of the spine, and how the smallest misalignment can lead to chronic back or neck pain, headaches, migraines, fatigue, discomfort, and disease.

Graduated from Parker College of Chiropractic (USA), National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, the states of Colorado and Arizona.

Married and father of two children, endurance rider and accomplished tri-athlete, Thierry is passionate about chiropractic to optimize the functioning of the spine and health in general.

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.

Your spinal column

is it working properly?

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Contact us to perform a spinal exam based on proven methods of Chiropractic BioPhysics®. Improving your vertebral health can relieve your pain, improve its functioning, and allow your body to function optimally.


The Centre

Centre Chiropractic de la colonne vertébrale


We provide evidence-based recommendations in prescribing the most specific necessary care possible.

Putting Individual Care First

We put the health of patients first, working to provide care that resolves the real problem and not merely the symptom, and then consider preventative care. Our approach also remains pro-active in offering you preventive care in order to avoid any recurrence.

We provide a friendly, casually professional atmosphere that affords patients a warm, family-oriented environment.

We work toward making every patient comfortable from the first point of contact and through their corrective care schedule, therapeutic program, and long-term follow up if needed.


119, rue de l'université 75007 Paris

Métro / RER : Station "Invalides"
Parking : La Tour Maubourg

Open Monday to Saturday by appointment.


What our patients say about us