Physical Therapy and Movement

Mobilisation (IASTM), Muscle Scraping

This soft tissue mobilization technique originated in Asia and it became popular in the 1980s amongst physical therapist, one of the most common techniques being the Graston technique.

IASTM is performed using a specifically designed metal instrument to massage muscle tissue and fascia.

Scraping is used to break down abnormally dense tissue such as trigger points, by allowing us to stimulate the nervous system and reinitiate the healing process to potentially accelerate healing.

Trigger Points

Trigger Points

Trigger Points

Trigger Points

Scraping targets: Both Chronic (long-term) and Acute (short-term) conditions including:

  •  Adhesions

  • Scar Tissue

  • Trigger Points

  • Fascial Restriction

  • Muscle Tightness

  • Tendons, and even ligaments

Patients with moderate to severe tenderness can benefit from IASTM to help desensitize an area and reduce the overall the intensity of pain.

The purpose of the treatment is to stimulate the nervous system, trigger an inflammatory/healing response, and address and soft tissue mobility restrictions.

 IASTM may be a component of an all-inclusive rehabilitation program designed to address the source of the symptoms, as opposed to a pharmaceutical solution, which may only used to achieve temporary symptom relief without addressing the full nature of the condition; potentially leading to chronic pain and/or dysfunction.



CCCV is equipped with the power plates machine in order to offer you the best physical rehabilitation programs tailored to your condition


The Power Plate is a training machine that is used in many areas for muscle building, rehabilitation or slimming.

It is a platform on which we will reproduce weight lifting, traditional gymnastics exercises (Squats, Abs, pumps, lunges, sheathing, stretching, massages, …) and foremost specific exercices in corrective spinal care.

Performing these exercises on a Power Plate will multiply the results obtained by the reflex (involuntary) muscle contraction triggered by the vibrations of the Power Plate.

The Power Plate triggers rapid and intense muscle contractions, at a rate of 35 per second (more than 2000 contractions per minute), of all the muscles of the body: abdominals, triceps, glutes, ...

This unique stimulation makes it possible to recruit muscles at 97% of their capacity against only 30% during traditional training. 

2 training sessions of 30 minutes per week allow you to obtain rapid results in terms of toning, slimming, fitness or sports preparation.

As in all sports, there is a warm-up phase, followed by a work phase proper and a calm-down phase including stretching and massages.

There are programs adapted to people in fragile physical condition (Seniors, rehabilitation, therapeutic).


Class IV Laser Therapy


Cold Lasers or Low-Level Laser Therapy [LLLT] about 100 times more powerful than a modern-day laser pointer) they are able to penetrate about half a centimeter into the tissue.

High Power Laser Therapy (HPLT) is about 15 times more powerful than the previous generation “Cold Lasers”. This means that the latest generation of laser can penetrate much deeper than the older laser units and deliver results in a fraction of the time.

Laser therapy does not replace exercises or rehabilitation, it is used as a component of a holistic treatment program, to help decrease pain and inflammation naturally, without medications; and to allow the body to heal itself at an accelerated rate.


Le laser de classe IV

The Class IV laser we use in our clinic is the Lightforce FXi produced by Lightcure. It is a class IV laser with power ranging from 5-15 Watts. Treatment sessions last between 8-12 minutes per body region. This new technology, combined with increased power and depth of penetration, is a pain-free way to speed up healing, reduce inflammation, and reduce both chronic and acute pain.

All that is felt during the session is a warming sensation and possibly pressure from the massage ball, one of the attachment heads used for certain treatments. The Lightcure has pre-set protocols for specific treatments such as sprains, radiculopathy, meniscus, patella/femoral disorders, myofascitis, arthritis, plantar fasciitis, headaches, and trauma. Patients will typically see a noticeable difference after 4-6 sessions for acute injuries and may need up to 10-12 session for more chronic injuries or conditions.

Type of Treatments

Endorsed by:


  • Pain, inflammation, wound healing

  • Delivery of oxygen/sugars/proteins/salts resulting in tissue regeneration to promote healing


  • Increase in mobility and function

  • Photochemical response for damaged/dysfunctional tissue

  • Resulting in Long-term pain management

APTA, World Health Organization, IASP (International Association for the Study of Pain)

Athletic trainers of NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, FIFA, and Olympic Athletes/Teams

What Patients Can Expect

Direct skin contact- as lasers cannot penetrate through clothing- direct contact allows for maximum absorption, but we can use laser therapy hovering above exposed skin as well

Warming sensation of the skin during the administration of laser therapy

The massage ball laser attachment head allows a deeper penetration through the tissue due to the ability to move and manipulate the tissue via the massage head- allowing for manipulation of blood, water, and fat to disperse and give a direct path for the Laser treatment of the specific region

Conditions Treated:

  • Back and Neck Pain

  • Headaches / Migraines

  • Poor Posture

  • Scoliosis

  • Fatigue / Fibromyalgia

  • Disc Herniation

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Joint Pain

  • Auto Accidents

  • Sports Injuries

Different treatment areas:

  • Forehead, temples, sinus, neck

  • Hands/Wrist/Elbow

  • Shoulders, Hips, Knees

  • Foot/Ankle/Toes

  • Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral spine

  • Fibromyalgia- multilevel approach

  • Neuropathy- sensory, motor, autonomic

  • Tendinitis, Bursitis, Capsulitis/Synovitis, Sprains/Strains, Contractures, Trauma, Radiculopathy

  • Headaches/Migraines, Pinched Nerves, Trigger Points, TMJ, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis