Chiropractic BioPhysics®

A highly scientific chiropractic technique


What to expect from a CBP® chiropractor?

We will start with a scientific examination of your posture, the alignment of your spine and its function - often involving X-rays as a way to identify the root cause of your poor spinal posture. Once the source is identified, we will offer you a series of adjustments, exercises and a program to remodel your spine carefully planned to get you back on the right track, painlessly and towards better health.


How is CBP® different from other techniques?

Unlike ordinary chiropractic which mainly focuses on immediate pain relief, Chiropractic BioPhysics® goes further to also correct the source of the problem.

This is why most patients treated with a CBP® chiropractor not only report relief from pain and discomfort, but as their posture begins to improve, they notice that other spinal conditions or not also improve.

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Vertebral alignment

Correct posture is at the heart of the Chiropractic BioPhysics treatment method. The curves of your spine act as levers, shock absorbers and resistance to gravity and premature aging of your joints; they also protect and reduce the forces acting on the spinal cord and nervous tissue.

But, severity, age, poor posture, poor physical activity, injuries and illnesses can all disrupt the alignment of your spinal curves and, therefore, your entire body.


Degeneration phase of the spine


CBP® can help restore this balance

Following a scientific analysis of your posture and the curvatures of your spine (PostureRay), a treatment plan is developed, depending on your situation, to restore good or better alignment, relieve pain and improve function of your spine.

Your treatment plan may include a variety of CBP® techniques that have been tested and proven, including spinal adjustment, specific postural correction exercises, chin-up or so-called "spinal shaping".


 Improving your well-being

Your health

Your spine houses your nervous system - the most delicate and important organic system - responsible for your daily bodily functions. From your immune, cardiovascular and digestive systems, from sexual function to mobility - your nerves are responsible for sending vital information from the brain to your organs through your spine.

Just like a bend in a garden hose can dramatically reduce the flow of water from the tap - a misaligned spine dramatically reduces the vital information going from your brain to vital organs. Thus, your organs are much more susceptible to dysfunctions and diseases.

It is not just a coincidence that people with poor postures tend to lack energy and suffer from fatigue, random aches and pains, as well as headaches / migraines, allergies, d ear infection, sleep disturbance, gastrointestinal problems, etc.

As a CBP® patient, you will not only notice a dramatic decrease in pain, but above all an improvement in your overall well-being.