The onset of better health

It all starts with a scientific examination of your posture, your spinal alignment, and your functioning, which often involves an analysis of x-rays which are compared to normal values.

The meticulous study of your spine and the misalignment of your posture along the three-dimensional axes makes it possible to identify rotational (turn, twist, tilt) and transposition (up, down, left, right) anomalies , front, rear).

In summary, CBP combines notions of biology, physiology, physics, geometry and anatomy to identify and quantify the causes of your pain, discomfort, loss of mobility, and impairment of your health. And that means your diagnosis and resulting treatment will be based on scientific evidence and chiropractic information with a way to objectively measure progress.

Abnormal body posture

The green line of gravity on the front and side views represents correct alignment. The red line represents the spine and poor alignment of the body due to injury, wear, poor posture or age.

Optimal body posture

The thin green vertical lines on the front and side views represent gravity and good posture. The spine is represented by the thicker green lines and illustrates optimal alignment and curvature in the form of a straight line in the front view and three curvatures in the side view


Better fit, better exercises, better technique

Once your deficits are identified, processing with Mirror Image comes into play

Carefully planned adjustments, exercises, and vertebral reshaping (traction) move the misaligned joints, muscles, and ligaments to their correct position and beyond, symmetrically when moving. Thanks to a calculated overcorrection, applied for a specific time, the misaligned body tissues "discover" the right position and gradually manage to maintain this good normal position.

Many tools, devices and exercises are used to promote treatment with Mirror Image, and your CBP-trained chiropractor will work with you to determine which ones are most effective for you. This will result in greater mobility, less pain, and better health.

Adjustments to Mirror Image

Indeed, the body parts are positioned exactly opposite to the abnormal alignment determined by the analysis of the posture and the x-rays while your chiropractor performs the adjustment. The adjustment can be made using an instrument specially designed for this purpose, using a table with moving parts, or manually. No one is too young or too old to make adjustments using Mirror Image.

Your adjustments improve your movements and help your body to reset good balance and muscle tone by stimulating the nerves that control position and tone. Your chiropractor may ask you to stand up and look at you before and after the adjustment to check for improved alignment. You may notice a change in your balance as well as your position.

Exercises using Mirror Image

Indeed, the parts of the body are maneuvered (by the patient) exactly opposite to the abnormal alignment determined by the analysis of the posture and the x-rays. The exercises can be performed by actively moving the body part towards the end of its range of motion or by means of painless movements.

For more advanced patients, active elastic bands and specific equipment can be used to facilitate the corrective exercise. For example, a weighted belt for the head or body can be applied specifically to promote your body's natural tendency to correct its position.

Your exercises will improve flexibility, strengthen weak muscles, and help your body maintain good postural balance and muscle tone.

Vertebral reshaping using Mirror Image

Indeed, the vertebral segments located at the level of your neck, your rib cage, and at the bottom of your back, as well as of your pelvis, are stretched, pulled and / or pushed in the correct alignment by shifting the tissues out of their wrong positions.

Over time, and with carefully prescribed amounts and durations of pressure, vertebral contouring has been shown to help restore proper alignment.

Denneroll orthotics are among the tools that allow you to continue the vertebral remodeling prescribed by your chiropractor trained at CBP at your home or wherever you want outside the office. Designed to provide adequate support for specific areas of the neck and upper back, lower back, and rib cage, Denneroll orthotics can be used almost anywhere.


Better treatment plans

Even if your treatment plan will be unique and personalized, in most cases, a treatment regimen comprising 36 to 50 visits over a period of three months will lead to an improvement in your spine and your posture.

In addition to the CBP treatment administered at your chiropractor's office, you will probably have exercises and a vertebral reshaping using orthotics to perform at your home.

Once the initial treatment is complete, your posture and bone structure are re-analyzed and compared again to normal values to assess the success of the treatment. These precise analyzes not only make it possible to measure the progress made but also suggest the type and importance of the treatment necessary to continue the improvement or maintain good posture and good alignment of the skeleton.

Often the first cycle of treatment is just the beginning and further treatment may be necessary. Research conducted on CBP's Mirror Image techniques has shown that the average patient achieves a 50% improvement in their spinal and postural abnormalities within the first 2 to 3 months of their care regimen:

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Correction of the spine / posture takes time

As is often the case in life, the silver bullet does not exist. Recovery through correction of spinal and postural disorders takes time. The decreasing severity of an abnormal alignment is shown from left to right in the figures above. (The green and red lines represent normal and abnormal alignment respectively).

The time axis shows the estimate of the total number of months of treatment, starting from an extreme abnormal alignment on the left and going towards a normal alignment on the right. Every 2 to 3 months, your condition will be reassessed to determine your level of improvement; in some cases it may take up to a year or more to obtain optimal correction. Age, duration of condition, spinal damage (AVD), genetics, and what you are willing to include in treatment are all factors that affect your results.


 A better future

As with any improvement in health, it is important to maintain the result, and to avoid a relapse with the pain and discomfort associated with it.

Your chiropractor trained at CBP will develop a maintenance and supportive care plan with you. Continuing exercise and spinal shaping at your home, combined with continuing visits to your chiropractor, the frequency of which usually varies between once a week and once a month, will further improve your health and will repel deterioration.

Chiropractic BioPhysics offers proven techniques to treat poor posture and misalignment of the spine and skeletal structure, and the associated pain and health problems caused by nerves and muscles under excessive stress. With a chiropractor trained in CBP, you can enjoy a future with less pain, more mobility and a better quality of life.

So don't settle for ineffective care or even competent care. Insist on receiving PBC techniques and methods to get tested and proven care and results.