Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP®) and Posture


Good or normal posture is a simple matter of engineering. The human body is designed so that the head, rib cage and pelvis are perfectly centered and balanced with each other.

Viewed from the front, the spine is perfectly aligned with gravity. But the spine, when viewed from the side, contains three curvatures to properly balance your body weight and allow freedom of movement.


Abnormal body posture: Below, the green lines on the front and side views represent correct alignment. The red line represents the spine and misalignment of the body due to injury, wear, poor posture or age.


Optimal body posture: The green lines on the front and side views represent gravity and good posture. The green lines of the spine show optimal alignment and curvature seen from the front as a straight line and seen from the side as three curvatures.


Why is abnormal posture a problem?

With an abnormal posture, the balance is disturbed. The vertical alignment is unbalanced and the curvature of the spine deviates from its appropriate angles. The abnormality generates amplified and harmful forces on the postural muscles, ligaments and intervertebral discs, nerves, bones and even internal organs in the chest and abdominal cavities.

“Any deterioration in posture indicates that the individual is losing ground in his fight against the force of gravity of the environment. - Martin Jungmann, MD; 1963.

“Any deterioration in posture indicates that the individual is losing ground in his fight against the force of gravity of the environment. - Martin Jungmann, MD; 1963.


Sometimes bad posture is evident. But even when clearly visible, the causes and effects of poor posture can be complex.

Do not worry.

Your chiropractor, trained in the techniques developed by Chiropractic BioPhysics®, can scientifically assess your posture and provide you with graphical representations of what needs to be corrected, show you the usefulness or if a correction is necessary, and specify the treatment that will offer you the best results.


Good posture guarantees good health.

Why do I need to correct bad posture?

It's simple: correcting poor posture can alleviate, relieve, or prevent a number of health conditions.

Among them, we find: sore and tense muscles, disc lesions, scoliosis, injuries related to having lifted a load, aches and pains due to driving or sitting, sports injuries, back pain, neck pain, headache, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder and ankle injuries ...

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In summary, good posture means your body can function as expected. And when your body works better, you feel better: Better posture + better spine = better health.

Talk to your CBP-trained chiropractor about the means used to push back gravity and maintain good posture.


Your Spine

Does it work properly?


Ask your chiropractor to perform a spinal exam based on the proven methods of Chiropractic BioPhysics®. Improving your spinal health can relieve your pain, improve how it works, and keep your body working as expected.