Specific methods of spinal traction

For several years, ChiropracticBiophysics has developed, studied and tested numerous vertebral rebalancing techniques.

No other chiropractic technique has been subjected to such a level of testing or control and has results that have been so well studied and documented.

The vertebral rebalancing offered by your chiropractor, trained at CBP, will be based on your general health and your specific case. Certain treatments will be applied in the office using specialized equipment. Others may be prescribed for you personally, and performed at your home.


Spinal correction takes time




There is no silver bullet. It takes time to heal the vertebral disorders and correct the spinal correction. The green and red lines represent normal and abnormal alignment respectively. The time axis shows the estimate of the total number of months of treatment starting from an abnormal alignment on the left and going towards a normal alignment on the right. A year of care may be necessary to complete the correction and make it permanent.

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Spinal rebalancing using postural mirror image techniques


The fact of using the postural mirror image (in the opposite image of the wrong position) which "over corrects" an incorrect or unnatural vertebral curvature is one of the many developments that CBP brings to the practice of Chiropractic.

Indeed, the vertebral segments located at the level of your neck, your rib cage, and at the bottom of your back, as well as your pelvis, are stretched, pulled and / or pushed in the correct alignment by gently forcing the skeletal system, muscle, ligament and nervous out of their bad positions in order to get them used to functioning in an optimal position. Over the course of treatment, and with carefully prescribed amounts and durations of "traction", it has been shown that vertebral reshaping using the postural mirror image helps restore good alignment.

The various methods of vertebral remodeling have been carefully studied and the variations based on specific anomalies of posture, the configurations of the vertebral curvature, the morphology are all evaluated and taken into account in the protocol which will be proposed to you.

Based on controlled clinical trials, vertebral reshaping applied with the PBC technique is the only documented non-surgical method that systematically corrects abnormal vertebral curvature for normal alignment.


Universal traction system

Ce type d'équipement utilisé pour le remodelage vertébral est typique de celui qui est souvent utilisé par votre chiropracteur pour corriger des courbures anormales dans votre colonne vertébrale.



Spinal rebalancing at home

Denneroll orthotics are one of the tools that will allow you to continue the vertebral remodeling prescribed by your chiropractor at your home.

Designed to provide adequate support for specific areas of the neck, upper back, lower back, and rib cage, Denneroll orthotics can be used almost anywhere. They are small, light and easy to transport. So, when you have five to twenty minutes and a flat surface to work on, you can do effective and passive stretching to help correct the abnormal spinal curvature at your neck, your rib cage, at the bottom of your back and your hips.

You will learn how to position and use the Denneroll device so that the apex of the device is focused on the target vertebral area, while providing maximum comfort and stability.

Other types of devices used for vertebral remodeling in your home may also be prescribed by your chiropractor. By following the advice for using these devices, your recovery time will be reduced and you will optimize your spinal correction program as much as possible.

Studies have established that an abnormality in the spine can cause the nerves, ligaments, and muscles to malfunction. Ultimately, this condition can lead to a number of health problems.

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Denneroll cervical

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Denneroll lombaire

Under the prescription of your chiropractor, the Denneroll device can help relieve your pain and provide a number of important beneficial effects on your health.



Spinal Osteoarthritis & Discopathy

During trauma, bad postures repeated in everyday life…

A column can lose its curvatures and impose abnormal forces on the vertebrae. This is the case with osteoarthritis. These bad positions prematurely wear out the intervertebral discs (herniated discs) and your body fictitiously strengthens by trying to consolidate by depositing osteoarthritis which is often called "parrot beak". Many health problems can result.


Vertebral degeneration

On the attached photo you can see the effects of osteoarthritis on the vertebrae of the spine. The deterioration progresses from right to left.


Chiropractic BioPhysics®, better health!

Good posture, correct vertebral curvature play an important role in your general health. Techniques developed scientifically, clinically proven by Chiropractic BioPhysics and applied by your chiropractor trained in CBP can help restore and maintain a better state of health, improve functioning and mobility and relieve pain. Adjustments, exercises, and vertebral remodeling can be combined in various ways in your treatment.

Talk to your chiropractor to make sure you understand the treatment and follow the instructions to perform an effective treatment to ensure your safety and get the best results. After all, you only get what you are willing to put into chiropractic to improve your spinal health.


Your spine

Does it work properly?


Come and find out and ask us to perform a vertebral examination based on the proven methods of Chiropractic BioPhysics®. Improving your spinal health can relieve your pain, improve how it works, and keep your body working as expected.